Sunday, December 12, 2010

Every Family Has Problems...

I promise myself I would never tell anything about personal matters here especially regarding my family problem but I guess I don't know where to go...

Some people never understood what was going on with our family...Since Nov 2008, our life have changed completely...totally changed! Everything happens so fast! No, no one was dead or sick...Just a case involving my dad...I don't know who to believe, who to depend on, who to point my finger at, who will care about us? Even our closest relatives backstabbing! Accuse my dad, judging him without even have a prove and understand my dad's condition...He's sick you know! Fuck you who call yourself a family!

You wouldn't even care last time when my family were very poor once upon a time...How hard our life at that moment...I still remember going to school with no money, no new uniform, no books...Even our house was about to sell off! FUCK!

How hard my dad to work by himself; when I woke up in the morning he's already in the paddy field & back to home for dinner!
How about you? Have you ever been in that kind of life?

I hate you & your family because you guys were too proud of yourself...You think you have car, you have big house, you have money then you can control me & my family? Hell yeah bitch! Who's house is bigger now? Who have big cars? I don't mean to boast but it's the truth! I hate your mom once upon a time because she's spoke some unkind words to me & I still have that words in mind...But you know what? I have what you guys don't have; FORGIVENESS!

Our family maybe didn't go to church as often as you do...But we don't have to show ourselves going to church just to show off that we are going to church...Get it? God only knows why...How my dad really miss to go church but didn't have a chance...He just said to us that God is always in our heart...Pray there! It's not that I don't like to go church in this village but I feel shy...No one would even talk to me and call me 'sombong n stuff...' I feel ache! How am I supposed to pray like that? How I miss Jesus Christ so much in my life?

I'm not sure how much do you know & heard about my family, because we don't give a damn! If my dad is really guilty in this case then let the judge speaks...We will accept the fact...But if he's innocent, then SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

You can hurt me but if you hurt my family, I'll show you what hurt is....I may be a tough chick, but I'm a girl that always wish for a happy ending too...I don't mean to get enemy here...just so you know...

'Lord, I know I have been a bad girl...That's because I have suffer so much, it turns me this way; tough, stronger & rude...Because I don't want to be played anymore...Dear Lord, please save my family from anything harm, sickness & tragedy...I love them so much that I would rather die than losing them...This I ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord...

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