Monday, July 26, 2010


it wasnt supposed to end this way...i sat on the edge of my bed,with a heart that exposed and empty and then the sobs began... My heart was alone, my pain and problems are my own and then panic set in, feeling of regret, gasp for breath in a heavy chest...i never been like this since i broke up with my last bf..

this time it’s really a weird feeling with a person name Yen... those first few months of being in love they were only the beginning... phone calls, texting, chatting...have u ever like when u online in Facebook, seeing your homepage and the first thing u do is looking at your left column to find out if he’s online or not? U have this excited-shy-nervous thing inside u...and when u chat you’re like talkative “hahaha” or “^__^” and u have so many things u want to share with him...then in texting, u feel like you’re the most happiest girl alive when he said “i love u baby...goodnight...i call u tomorrow”...hurmm.....sure you’re gonna have a really nice dream after tht...

but nothing last forever they say...we had one too many arguments about random stuffs...things that wasn’t suppose to be a prob for other couple...things regarding don’t comment with boys on the FB, things like who’s that girl that keep on commenting on you...things like why the hell u upload ur sexy picture in is mostly random stupid things that not supposed to be a problem!!!

am i breaking up? am i leaving this relationship? what had happened?

No and yes! We never been a couple..(well, we supposed to be) no breaking up things but i’m leaving this relationshitss!! What will happen?? Let it happen and see...

I’m still here...still doing my routine things...just smile and act fine like everything is okay...

And inside, no one knows....


Lylla said...

...hurm...i'm so surprised when i see his FB dat he oready changed his relationship status wif his wife...bcoz...b4 dat happen...he tell me that he love u so much...and his love is first, i dun believe him at all...dunno y...mayb i oready know him long ago...but i think he'll change just 4 u...suddenly.......i read his post at fb... 'semua tertipuuuu'...i'm wondering y he wrote like dat....and now i know...buang msa jak skit ati sal dea tu MJ..dea nda lyak tuk da tmpat d ati ko pun...huhhuhuhuhu....jhat dea! but lets just move on...ko masi cntik...hehehe...cute...i'm sure there's many 2 get u...hehehehe :)...cheers up!

MJ said...

my dear lylla, bru perasan komen ko...huhu... :( ko tauka ari yg sama dia cakap dia betul2 love sa ari tu jugala dia tukar status dia tue...MJ pelik sgt2 nie... :( dia bt mcm tu sbb dia terbaca komen2 sa d fb baa...pasal yg suma tertipu tu MJ xtaw yg mana dia maksud...mmg MJ syg suda ni ma dia..tpi mgkn kmi mmg teda jodoh kali nie~~ berserah jak laa...mgkn lepas ni akan lebih baik... :)

Lylla said...

hurmmm...yalar...dea pnah jga mluah sma sa ne sal ko..hihi...sal ko mara2 dea...lma nda brhubung...hurmm...then sa bg nshatlar ma ckap..."mmg bgtu lau pmpuan...sepa2 pun mara..." then sa men2 ma dea "mayb ko nda bg dea kasi syg sckupnya ne" tp skadar men2 ne kuat men2 drpda crius... :) but tau pasne...mesti MJ jmpa yg lg me!...hihi...gudluck moiii... :)

MJ said...

huhuhu....thanks lylla...u r so sa pndi rindu ida oow...hurmmm...tpi mcm mana pun sa sakit ati tul ma dia...semlm dia p crta d wall sa d bhgn relationship status sa...hurmmm...dia ckp lg maw try balik ma sa...adoii naa...payah oo lylla...:( dr dulu lg mcm nie...MJ x suka oo lelaki mcm ni yg law ada masalah trus blg tukar status or ada kaitan ma ex-wife dia...arghh!! tekanan perasaan o sa....huhu....

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